On Sunday, January 20th, George W. Bush will only have one more year to mismanage this great country of ours. After that, I am hopeful that fed-up Americans will have come to their senses and elected a President who will lead us in a new direction. I believe the person who is best suited for the task is Senator Barack Obama. I have several reasons for this opinion.
#1. Obama is not a Clinton or a Bush. Do you realize it has been since 1980 that a member of the Bush or Clinton families hasn't been the President or Vice-President of our nation? If Hillary were to be elected (and possible re-elected) her second term would end in January, 2017. I for one am not willing leave the fate of our democracy in the hands of two powerful families for a total of 36 years. That sounds more like a monarchy or dictatorship to me. How can we allow two elite and influential families to control the destiny of this nation of 300 million people for nearly four decades? To me, that is the antithesis of Democracy.
#2. Obama is a uniter. After decades of derisive attitudes in Washington, we finally have a candidate truly interested in getting past the petty political differences between the two parties in order to bring people together for the good of the nation. Republicans and Democrats are not good vs. evil. One party is not right, one party is not wrong. Things are not "black and white" like that. There are many shades of grey. And there are many areas where people from both parties can agree on how to improve America. Obama will re-united the United States.
#3. Obama never supported the War in Iraq. No, he was not in Congress when Hillary and most others voted to approve an attack based on misleading intelligence. However he is on record opposing the choice to go to war back when he was a state senator in Illinios. Back in 2002, he gave an eloquent and powerful speech against going to war that you can check out on his
website. As President, Obama will responsibly get our troops out of Iraq before we find ourselves entrenched in a losing situation for another decade.
#4. Obama will improve America's image abroad. I have heard so many people say "I don't care what the rest of the world thinks about us." Really? Maybe if so many people didn't hate us for the many foreign policy blunders we've made over the years we wouldn't have been attacked on 9/11. Perhaps if we weren't so convinced that we are always right and everyone else is wrong we wouldn't be the object of such resentment and hatred throughout the world. Because Barack Obama is not an old white guy from an elitest family, he may appeal to the rainbow of ethnicities in this country and around the world. Perhaps people from nations who don't thnk they have anything in common with their perceptions of America will begin to remember that America is a melting pot that includes rather than excludes people from all walks of life. If foreigners can see some similarities to us, then maybe a common ground will be sought after and hopefully reached on many of the issues that have put us at odds with much of the world.
#5. Obama has charisma. If you haven't heard him give a speech, then get on Youtube or his
website and just listen. Invoking the passion of MLK, Kennedy, and even Bill Clinton Obama is a speaker, a motivator, and a leader. A president has to engage the American people in a real conversation. He can't "dumb it down" or use condescending language. He can't simply read the "company line" off a teleprompter. He has to communicate his ideas in an effective way. He needs to inspire us to improve this country. He must be able to rally the masses to his cause. Instead of scare tactics and deception (the methods used by the current administration) honesty and good ol' fashioned American Optimism need to be employed to garner the support of citizens and make this country better.
These are some of the reasons I support Barack Obama for President. This country is facing a lot of important issues right now. Before you vote, ask yourself if you are ready for real, positive change or if you want more of the same. Business as usual will ensure that our troops will be in Iraq for another decade or more. We will still be fighting the Taliban with a fraction of the troops we need because too many will be stuck occupying Iraq. The sabre-rattling of the current administration may lead us to war with Iran, Syria, or North Korea. I for one am not willing to let my child be drafted and possibly killed in a foreign land simply because the American people were too afraid or ignorant to try to change the direction of the leadership of this once proud and world-respected nation.
I'm voting for Barack Obama on February 5th and I'm hopeful that he will get the Democratic nomination. If so, I believe he can win the general election and begin to heal this great nation of ours. Let's make a difference, Blog Daddy Nation.