Sunday, July 19, 2009

Is facebook killing Blogger?

With the facebook insurgency upon us, I wonder: Does anyone read my blog anymore? If not directly, then do you read the version that is posted on my facebook page from my blog? I hope so. Anyway, I want you to know that I will continue to blog and write for your entertainment despite the temptation to simply update my facebook status. Jack Kerouac did not "Twitter" his way to literary greatness. Nor will I. Look forward to future blog posts and a forthcoming book from yours truly. I will not let you down. And for $19.95, what do you have to lose?


Larry A. Barr said...

You keep writing and I for one will keep reading. Even if I have to go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble websites to buy your musings... Keep at it cousin!

Anonymous said...

Yes, facebook IS killing blogger! I refuse to be assimilated! Keep up the work on this blog, I am here ever week or so!