Friday, May 20, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. My first book, Naked Snow Angels is now available to purchase in paperback form! I used two different self-publishing websites so that the book would be available in multiple outlets. The first site is a subsidiary of Here is the link to NSA on that site: Naked Snow Angels. The second site is and will feature a special collector's hardcover edition as well as a paperback. Here's the link: Naked Snow Angels/lulu. Don't forget, you can buy an eBook version for Kindle here: Naked Snow Angels/Kindle. Both paperback versions are priced at $15.99 and the Kindle version is $5.99. The hardcover will be $25.99 once I receive the proof and approve it for sale.

These two sites are of the "print-on-demand" variety. This means that they don't hold multiple copies of books in inventory. Rather, they print a copy when it is purchased. This lowers the risk to the printer and to the author who may be required to purchase a large quantity of books that may or may not ever sell. When you order your copy of NSA, allow a week or so for printing and delivery. It will be worth your wait, I promise.

Finally, I chose not to include an acknowledgements page in my book. I didn't want anyone to feel left out, so I left everyone out. That being said, I want to thank my cousin Larry Barr for working feverishly on setting up my new website and for his early editing efforts and feedback he gave me. Also, thanks go out to my brother Blake for properly formatting my manuscript so that the finished product looks like a million bucks. It's a real book folks! Now go out and buy it, and tell your friends!

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