Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Those Damned Goats!

My wife thinks its funny when our goats break out of their pen. Is it funny that these vile creatures live to escape from the confinement I have poured hours upon hours of labor into building and repairing? Is it funny that they like to run from me when I try to grab them to drag them back into the pen? Is it funny that while I hold on to one, the other walks just out of arm's reach and casually goes about grazing from the lawn as if nothing out of the ordinary were taking place? Is it funny that when I repair the fence it is usually around 100 degrees outside and horseflies are divebombing me while itchweed and poison ivy and thornbushes grate across my flesh? Is it funny that every time I go outside to let the dogs out I see a goat standing in the driveway giving me that "What?" look? Is it funny that two 30# creatures cause me more grief that any man should have to endure?

Yeah, I guess it is.

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