Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Blog Daddy Goes Legit?

A blogger is a rogue columnist. He doesn't answer to an editor. He can write whatever he wants without worry of getting fired by a publisher trying to sell advertisements and newspapers. Bloggers are the "pirate radio" operators of the 21st century. I am a blogger through and through, but could I go "legit" and become a columnist?

I had thought about the prospect of writing for a paper for some time. The other day, I decided to go for it. I tweaked my resume, submitted some writing samples, and wrote a solid cover letter. I submitted these materials via a local newspaper publisher's email and prepared to hold my breath for a few days, weeks, or months to get a reply. I received a response within 12 hours.

On Sunday morning I received a reply from Bruce Wallace, the publisher of the Boone County Journal. He prasied my blog (I had sent him some links to a few of my favorite posts so he could review them as writing samples) and said he enjoyed reading it very much. He appreciated my interest in writing but declined to offer me a position at his paper due to having several columnists already. (He actually had six columnists when he bought the paper a few years ago, but has managed to reduce the number over the years.) Instead, he is focusing on reporting more actual "news." Imagine that- news in a newspaper. The funny thing is that Bruce actually asked if he could add a link to my blog to his newspaper's website. I told him I was flattered, but that my uncensored content probably would offend his readers from time to time, so I respectfully declined.

So now you know the story of how Blog Daddy almost went legit. "Whew! That was a close one!" Now where was I... oh yeah...Shit, Piss, Bitch, Ass, etc. Try to get away with writing that in a newspaper.


Anonymous said...

I'm shocked and mortified that my devil-may-care offspring would consider going legit. You are our kind of legit, we (you) don't need validation from "those people".

Anyway, welcome back to the blogger fold, we would have missed you.

Anonymous said...

I still think you need to pursue a career in the writing field. Magazine articles or books. Here are a few title suggestions: "Blogging For Dummies", "Mizzou Truck Restoration and Decoration", How to Survive When Life Hands You a Lemon" (marry her and change her name), Dogs, Goats, Rats & Cats - A Guide for Setting Up a Home Zoo", How to be a Charming, Sexy Geek or Nerd" (comes with a pair of glasses and suspenders), "Pary Porch Pastimes", "Kiss a Fish - Protecting Wildlife", "The Last of the MO Heathens". Let me know if you need more ideas. Love Ya!

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Glad to have such a loyal blog following. Those book titles are priceless! I'll get started right away.