Monday, January 30, 2006

Does it still count as Altruism when there's free beer involved?

This week's "Moment of Altruism" was when Bethany, her mom Glee, Grant, Brenda, and I competed in a charity trivia contest to benefit St. Jude's Children's Hospital. Johnston Paint sponsored our team which also had three of its employees on the roster. When I asked Grant if he wanted to participate he said, "Well, as long as it's for the kids." Of course he said that right after I mentioned that Johnston's paid our entry fee and the Knights of Columbus provided free beer. So we gladly did our part to help the kids. As icing on the cake, we finished second out of 36 teams, missing victory by one point. The winners donated their winnings to St. Jude's, which we all agreed we would have done, too.

So let's review. We drank free beer, made someone else donate their money to the kids, and claimed that we would have given our prize money to them as well. Giving never felt so good.

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