Friday, January 20, 2006

Tabla Rosa

As I sat down to blog just a moment ago,
What I would write I really didn't know.
It had to be funny, insightful, or lewd,
Anything less would be incredibly rude
To the fans of my efforts who read everyday,
The people who can't wait to hear what I'll say.

I have a reputation for inciting a reaction,
From readers who crave some blogging satisfaction.
It's usually praise, but on occasion its not,
Once in a while they may even call it rot.
I never want to let the good people down,
It's because of them that this blog's world renown.

I started this poem with my mind a blank slate,
I spent half of my life in a similar state.
Writer's block can't stop a good blogger from blogging,
Like a salad couldn't keep my dad's arteries from clogging.
Heartattacks notwithstanding, he is doing well,
So cholesterol and writer's block can both go to Hell!


Anonymous said...

You write prose,now poetry too.
Travis,I'm so impressed by you!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your Dad is going good. He's a tough ole bird.


TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

It is nice to see some interest in the art of poetry from any one who would read the drivel I put out on this blog. I'm proud of you.