Sunday, February 25, 2007

Adoption Update

I thought those of you following the saga of the Naughton family would like an update regarding our plans to adopt a baby girl from China. Since starting the process in October, we have completed all of our paperwork and had three interviews with a social worker. The social worker is finalizing her report called a home study that will determine if we would be reasonably good parents. When we receive our copy of the home study we will submit our dossier to the State Department and then the Chinese Consulate in Chicago. After they have received everything and approve us for adopting, we will be assigned a "log in date" or L.I.D. When a family is logged in, they are officially on the waiting list for a child. We can expect to be logged in within two or three months from now.

The other day, we received our newsletter from Children's Hope International (the adoption agency we are utilizing.) In it, they noted that the average length of time between families' LID and their referral (the moment when a specific child is selected for a family) is 15 months. After receiving the referral, families will travel to China within a few weeks, usually with a group of other adopting families. Therefore, we can expect to wait at least 18 months from now to bring our new baby home.

Those of you who know me well know that I am not an especially patient man, so you can imagine that this waiting game will be driving me crazy for the next year and a half. Confucious says, "Good things come to those who wait." Well, he may have said it.

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