Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Flying Pigs

Forgive me Father, it has been five days since my last blog entry. (I'm not Catholic, so that is as close to a confessional as I will get.) Since I last blogged, the Tigers beat Nebraska, the White Sox won the World Series, and pigs began to fly. Who would have bet that in back-to-back years, a "cursed" baseball team that hasn't won a World Series in decades and who has the word "Sox" in its name would sweep a team from the National League Central? What are the odds? What are the odds that the Missouri Tigers would beat the Nebraska Cornhuskers 41 to 24 the past two times the teams played at Faurot Field (the only two wins Mizzou has posted against the Huskers in decades)? Have we stepped into the Twilight Zone? What's next? Will the Chiefs win the Superbowl? Will the Democrats win the White House? Will I ever get a job?! Not likely, but it is the prospect of doing the improbable that makes life interesting. Afterall, if we know who will win or what the outcome will be, why would we bother to watch? Isn't that why you keep reading this blog?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're seeing flying pigs, we've got bigger trouble than the Sox sweeping the series.....