Thursday, October 20, 2005

"The Journal" Resurrected

Bill "Mr. Technology" Herrin has done it! He has published The Journal of our 1993 road trip to Vegas on a weblog for all the world to enjoy. It is 47 pages long, so you may want to read a page or two per day, or you may become so enthralled by the drama that you will want to read it from start to finish. Just click on the link to the right of this blog called "Bill and Trav's Excellent Adventure". Click a page to enlarge the photo. Once it is loaded you can move the pointer to it and click on the enlarging tool that pops up to make it appear in its original size (much easier to read). Feel free to post comments and forward the link to everyone you know. "Wait'll they get a load of us...Wait'll!"

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I remember the original post of this and I still have it bookmarked under my "tales of the weird" folder...