Saturday, October 29, 2005

Happy Halloween

The 2005 holiday season officially begins Monday night with Halloween. "Is Halloween really a part of the Holidays?" you ask. Just go to Wal-mart for your answer. When we looked at costumes for Alex, we found Christmas decorations FIRST! But I'm not complaining. I would keep our house decorated for Christmas all year if Bethany would let me. In our society, people wait for an excuse to act concerned for one another. Whether its reaction to a hurricane or the arrival of Christmas, we act nicer to each other and let our guard down a little during designated times of goodwill toward man. I include Halloween in that category. Parents go trick-or-treating with their kids, people have parties, mass quantities of seasonal treats are consumed. Most people consider Thanksgiving the official start of the holiday season. Not me. Its Halloween for sure. This year, Alex is going to be Batman. Last year he was a Spiderman Cowboy. He got a lot of points for originality. Because he toned it down this year, I will be taking up the slack for him. I will be Garth Raider (Darth Vader). Black cowboy hat, belt, and boots; Darth Vader mask, light saber, and cape; and Oakland Raiders shirt, pants, and jacket. Bethany will be masquerading as an embarrassed wife. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the pictures...