Sunday, January 06, 2008

2008 Resolutions

1. "WWBD?" What would Buddha do? That sounds like it should be a bumper sticker, doesn't it? In fact, I have seen a car with that very decal adorning it in Columbia. It's also the name of a book my friend Kim gave me as a Christmas present. (The irony of receiving a book about another "religion" as a way of celebrating Jesus's birth is not lost on me.) The book offers advice on how to handle life's daily challenges by asking how the Buddha would deal with various situations. I think the world would be a better place if we all asked ourselves "WWBD"before we act or react.

I still have a lot to learn about Buddhism, but I think that I am getting closer to understanding the Buddha's message. Happiness can be attained by freeing oneself from attachment. We humans become attached to material possessions, relationships with people, power, and wealth. When we don't possess these things, we desire them and consequently we suffer because we feel that we can't be happy without them. When we do posses these objects of our desire, we cling so tightly to them that we become fearful of losing them and often we worry and do extreme things to keep them, which also causes suffering. The key to happiness is simply letting go of self-imposed attachment. We will then be free to enjoy the gift of life that the Universe has bestowed upon us.

So my singular New Year's Resolution of 2008 is to ask myself (Buddhist humor: There is no self), "What Would Buddha Do?" This should help me reduce suffering, which in turn will help make others happy, which in turn will help make the world a better place, which in turn will make me happy.

What are your resolutions? If you make your resolutions public, you hold yourself accountable and are more likely to stick to them. Feel free to post them here.

Happy New Year!

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