Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fishing from A to Z

Alex and I are planning on doing a little fishing this summer. By a little I mean a lot. During Alex's 13 week summer vacation, our goal is to fish twice a week for a total of 26 times. The twist is that I have plotted out 26 different fishing holes within an hour's drive from home that we are hoping to try. Ambitious? Yes. But we are prepared.

Yesterday, Alex and I attended the Ozark Mountain Anglers Sport Show at the Hearnes Center. We picked up information on various resorts, campgrounds, and public use areas including fishing destinations. We also picked up a brochure entitled "Fishing Prospects 2008" that highlights which lakes and streams are expected to have a good fishing season this year. We received a map of all the state's Conservation Areas, too. Yes we are prepared.

But that's not all. We are also planning to pursue many other outdoor activities this summer including bicycling on the Katy Trail, playing disc golf and ball golf, playing baseball, attending a Cardinals game, camping, hiking, spelunking, swimming, and more. How will we find the time? In the coming months, I will detail our plans and reveal exactly how all of this recreation can be achieved. And of course I will be blogging about our exploits daily so that you can feel like part of the adventure, too. Maybe we'll videotape our adventures and start broadcasting a show on the local cable access channel. I could start a channel on YouTube or convert our tapes to DVD's and give copies to everyone. Big adventures require big preparations. We'll be ready. But is the world prepared for the Naughton boys? (Insert evil laughter here.)

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