Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Would someone remind me...

Why do I have pets? I woke up this morning at 5:45 to the sound of three dogs barking. One wanted to eat, one wanted to go outside, and one had just shit and pissed all over the front hallway, his bed, and himself. After cleaning that up, I went to work. When I got home, Jake had shit and pissed all over the hallway, his bed, and himself again. Princess had puked all over the front room. Woody pulled off all the items we placed on the couch to prevent him from getting up there. I cleaned up again. Then Jake puked all over the carpet in the family room. Bethany was kind enough to clean that up.

Messes are only part of the joy of pet ownership in the Naughton family. Jake has congestive heart failure and dementia, is half blind and deaf, and has no control over any bodily functions. He will likely need to be put out of his misery soon. One of our goats, Bella, drown when she fell through the ice covering our lagoon recently. Her brother, who has never been apart from her in his four years is now alone. To ice the proverbial cake, when I arrived at work this morning I discovered our store mascot Baxter the Beta fish dead in his bowl. In my haste to get home on New Year's Eve, I forgot to turn the heat back on in the store (it gets very hot in there during the day). It got too cold for him I guess.

So, its been one of those days/weeks/months. I know all the benefits of having pets in our lives. But right now, it isn't much fun to be a pet owner. Let's hope that the New Year brings some relief from the stresses that my family is enduring right now.

Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

Let me remind you that you have the critters you have because they all would have been "put down" if it wasn't for your generous nature. That even extends to how well you have taken care of your mama over the last several months, with no thought of how it would affect you - you just do what you do because it needs to be done. And I, for one, am grateful and proud.

Anonymous said...

BAXTER!!! :o(