Friday, February 15, 2008

Yes We Can

I believe so strongly that Barack Obama is the best person for the job of President of the United States, that I donated to his campaign. That's the first time I've put money into a campagin since I ran for Student Council President in high school. (I won.) I got an email from the Obama campaign today asking me to write a note to the superdelegates to persuade them to vote with the will of the people, so that a back-room deal will not decide who will be our next president. Here is what I wrote:

Dear Superdelgate,

I love America. I hate the way America has been mismanaged in recent years. Powerful lobbies, Halliburton, Big Oil, and other special interests are puppetmasters using the White House to get what they want. Well I say it is time for the American people to get what they want. Affordable healthcare, an end to the War in Iraq, a living wage, and better education are just a few of the needs of the masses that are not being met due to the desires of a powerful few. That is not democracy. Bushes and Clintons have been in the Executive Branch since 1981. If Hillary Clinton wins the White House, it will mean that two powerful families will have been in the White House for at least 32 straight years. That is not democracy. And look where our country is today as a result. The United States Government is making enemies both foreign and domestic at an alarming pace. As we head to recession and continue to be entrenched in an unnecessary and costly war, the citizens of this great nation are yearning for change. It is time for Change We Can Believe In. I implore you as a superdelegate to vote for the candidate with the most popular votes, most pledged delegates, and most states won. A true reflection of the people's will is embodied in who they cast their votes for. Please honor the intentions of the American people and vote for the majority's choice: Barack Obama.

Travis A. Naughton


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I do not understnd what a "Super Delegate" is and how they "earned" that designation. But I certainly agree that Obama is our best hope to save our sorry asses, and remove the stigma and stench left by the last several years of Bushes and Clintons.

Anonymous said...

I would have to disagree with this charismatic "popular" leader that has fine speeches but no experience to back what he says.
1. he does not have experience, since he has been in Congress for how long? 3-4 yrs?
2. Barack has not explained how he is going to make these great changes that he promises during the debates. Will Congress go along with all these earth changing ideas?
3. Hillary understands the capitol and how it works. Lets be realists here, we need someone who will steer us through shallow waters without bottoming out.

I think that if Obama wins the Democratic ticket, he would have a better chance of being elected President than Hillary, since there would be more Republicans voting to keep a Clinton out of Office. I am not sure that I can fully support Barack since I still not convinced that he can deliver on his promises.

Remember the saying "Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey." I just don't have confidence in his experience yet.

Maybe I should vote for Nader.. :-)

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Anonymous, you sound like Hillary herself with your "all talk, no action" rhetoric. She claims to have eight years of experience while her husband was president. Does that make Laura Bush qualified to be President? How about Nancy Reagan? Hillary has only a couple of addtional years of experience in the Senate over Barack and no experiecne in the state senate. Obama has as many years experience in elected office as Hillary with better results.

Regarding how he will get congress to go along with his great changes: did you forget it is now a Democratic controlled congress? I think he will make more changes than you can imagine.

As for Hillary steering us through shallow waters: electing a former Wal-Mart board member who also was implicated in the Whitewater scandal, who also counts her time as First Lady as solid foriegn relations experience, who also voted to authorize the war in Iraq, who also takes millions of dollars from special interest, who also carpet-bagged New York by running for office there although she had never lived there for a day in her life, who by your own admission is not as electable as Barack.

So why would you waste your vote on her or Nader and help the Republicans drag this country down for another four years?