Thursday, March 13, 2008

Funny Bunny

Yes, that is yours truly in the Easter Bunny suit. Yes, those are chihuahuas sitting on my lap. No, they did not bite me. No, I did not bite them, although it appears in the photo that I was an angry bunny. This picture was taken at my store last year. Somehow, I got talked into donning the gay apparel again this year. But we bought a better costume- one that doesn't look as creepy. If you are in Columbia and own a pet, come to Treats Unleashed this Saturday from 11:00 to 2:00 for a photo with me. Half the proceeds will be donated to the Central Missouri Humane Society. And if you don't own a pet, come by anyway and ridicule me at will. I'm a big bunny- I can take it.


Anonymous said...

Silly rabbit...tricks are for kids not chihuahuas. If half the proceeds are going to the Humane Society, is the other half going for the psychological treatment of pets held by a big scary bunny? Are you in cahoots with a local pet psycologist? Maybe the big annoucement coming up is that you are opening a pet counciling center and this is your "way" of drumming up business. Clever. Very clever.


Seamhead said...

Mr. Naughton, I attempted to email you, but I received weird responses about not being in your inner circle. I assumed you'd either booted your foray int Buddhism to join your local chapter of Freemasons or you're trying to reduce spam.

You are invited to attend the Great Party Across the Great River that you read about on my blog. My emails were an attempt to invited you.

If you are coming in costume (it seems no one wears more costumes than you) I would go for the Pirate outfit.