Monday, July 28, 2008

The Week in Sports

Alex's last baseball game of the season took place on Thursday. He got a couple hits and made some good plays in the field. Perhaps more importantly, he looked darn good doing it.

Bethany and Charla competed in another triathlon, this time in Cameron, MO. Bethany finished 6th in her age group while Char received a medal for finishing 3rd. And yes, they looked darn good doing it.

On Saturday night, Doug and I challenged our wives to some hoops action. The boys won both games despite some elbows and hips being used as weapons by the girls. They made excuses, too. Something about completing a triathlon hours earlier and drinking wine. Blah. blah, blah. All that matters is that the husbands emerged victorious. And we looked darn good doing it, too.

PS: I tried to upload several really good photos to accompany this posting, but my horrifically slow dial-up connection won't cooperate today!!! There are drawbacks to living in B.F.E.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ESPN is always looking for unbiased, accurate reporters, I'm sure. With your ability to find the good looking athlete, who is also doing a good job I'm sure they'll want to sign you right up. Glad all the family athletes had a good week. Thanks for your reporting coynol.

Yo mama