Friday, July 15, 2011

Ni Hao from China

Ni Hao from Beijing, China! Upon our safe arrival following 18 hours of travel, we discovered that my blog, my website, and facebook are all blocked in China. Sleep deprived and exhausted after being awake for almost 30 straight hours, I emailed a few folks, dispaired over how to reach the rest of you, and finally passed out. Then I woke up at 1:30am Beijing time with an idea: Enlist the help of my cousin Larry! I emailed him with instructions on how to login as me on my blog and facebook page and voila! He will be copying and posting my updates for me while we our under the big red thumb of the communists. Thank you Larry Barr for doing this and thank you to everyone who is following along with our journey. I'm sorry I won't be able to read your comments, but you can email them to me if you like. I'll send another update after today's visit to The Forbidden City, Tianenmen Square, and The Great Wall. And hopefully I'll be able to post pictures, too. Stay tuned and Zai jian! (that's "goodbye" in Chinese).

1 comment:

Huong said...

I was going to volunteer to do this for you, Trav, but I'm glad Larry is helping out. He's a good guy this Larry of yours!