Saturday, May 28, 2005

Retired at age 33

Today was my last day of work at Doggie Empawrium. For those of you who are unfamiliar with D.E., it is a store that sells dog food, supplies, and treats in Columbia, Missouri. I was the "Token Male" there for two and a half years. I was the only man to work among the 12 or so women (mostly college girls) who were employed during that stretch of time. Let's get this straight...I quit a job where I worked with cute college girls and got to play with dogs every day? And they paid me for it?! What the Hell was I thinking?! Well, since I am fortunate enough to have a wife with a stronger work ethic than mine, I get to stay at home with my son and play with him and my dogs, cats, and goats everyday. "Did he just say goats?" Tomorrow is the first official day of my retirement. Yes, it is only a temporary retirement that will end when Alex goes to school in about one year, three months. But I plan to enjoy it now while I'm still young because I'll probably have to work until I'm too old to enjoy retirement later in life. So, I hereby bid farewell to my friends at D.E. and wish them all the best. I don't know too many guys who are lucky enough to have as many women friends as I do. It was enlightening to hear about the world from their perspective and an honor to be allowed into their lives. I listened as they discussed school, family, boyfriends, and whatever else they were willing to share. I hope they enjoyed our time together as much as I did. But now, I move on. And so begins "The Summer of Travis!" Thank you Bethany for making this possible. I don't know why you put up with me. (Because I'm devilishly handsome?)


Anonymous said...

~We will miss you Travis!~

Anonymous said...

congrats. don't spend your entire pension on catfish bait.