Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Piss and Vinegar

I'm full of it. So I've been told. Not necessarily full of sh*t. I believe that I am full of piss and vinegar. I think that means that I possess the hallmarks of any Blarney-lovin', green-blooded Irish lad. Wit, temper, affinity for beer, etc. Lately, I feel my piss & vinegar tank is running low. I feel flat. I need inspiration. I have just the plan. FLOAT TRIP!!!! Plans for the annual pilgrimage to the Upper Meramec River are being made as we speak. I recommend such a trip to anyone feeling like they need a weekend of "Holy Crap I'm glad we left the kid at Grandma's house" debauchery. I will be sure to blog about the experience (if I can remember any of it). So stay tuned for some entertaining, if not hazy details of what transpires on August 5 & 6. In the meantime, feel free to post comments on this site with inspirational accounts of ways you get fired up when you're running on fumes. (Nothing too raunchy please. My little sister reads this blog.) Oh, what the Hell- she is a Naughton afterall!


Anonymous said...

Of course, you are assuming facts not in evidence, that a grandma will watch your kid......

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

The bad news is that the float trip has been postponed in order to find a date that is more agreeable to everyone. The good news is that it could be moved to Labor Day weekend, giving everyone and anyone a chance to plan ahead for the experience of a lifetime. Stay tuned.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

OK, Kare-Bear...if you think you can handle the uncensored version, then we won't hold back. My apologies to anyone out there who may be faint of heart and unfortunately stumbled upon this site. Good luck to ya- and don't send me a bill for your heart medicine!