Monday, September 12, 2005

"I need to ice my crotch."

My beautiful wife Bethany survived her 150 mile, cycling odyssey this weekend. She and her friend Janine (that's probably spelled incorrectly) were the only two riders of their six member team from Capital Region Medical Center who completed the entire trek. Bethany hadn't ridden a bike in nearly ten years and was considered "least likely to finish" the event by a few nay-sayers. But with the help of her friends, she trained for over a month to get in shape. She also received a shiny, new bike for her birthday from her #1 fan so that she could ride in style while proving her doubters wrong. She did this both for herself and to raise money for the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. It is not too late to "sponsor" her effort. You can click on the following link before October 31 to donate in her name.

As proud of her as I am, and as sexy as she looked on that bike, my enthusiasm could only be diminished by her quote upon the completion of her ride. "I need to ice my crotch," she proclaimed in response to her bike seat rubbing her the wrong way for 16 hours of cycling in the Missouri heat and humidity. That's my wife! I love her...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Bethany!!