Sunday, July 02, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Be a patriot this year on the 4th of July. Drink a few Samuel Adams Summer Ales, blow stuff up, spend some quality time with the fam, and make plans now to vote for whomever will end the occupation in Iraq this November. I think a true patriot will recognize that leaving our sons, daughters, fathers, and mothers in the middle of the Iraqi Civil War is a far cry from having loved ones die defending our country in previous wars. Republicans can call it cutting and running, but the fact is that Republican polititians authorized an unjust war based on the fabrications and deceptions created by the Conservative Party. I don't call it cutting. I don't call it surrendering. I call it,"Saddam is out of the picture and we should be too." Dubya says we will stay until we defeat the terrorists. That is like saying we will stay in Vietnam until we defeat the communists. We would still be in Vietnam after 40 years of trying to defeat the communists. Are we as patriotic Americans willing to send our children and grandchildren to their deaths in the Middle East for the next 40 years?

This 4th of July, honor the sacrifices our service men and women have made for their country. Then make them a promise that you will do everything you can to make sure no more of them have to die in a war that should have never been. Be a patriot- vote Democrat.

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