Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Report Card on 2006 New Year's Resolutions

The following is my list of resolutions that I compiled one year ago. Let's see how I did:

1. Be myself. I can do a better job of not being self-conscious and worrying about what everyone thinks of me.
("B+". I think I have done a good job at this one. I just gotta be me- whether people like it or not.)

2. Have a more positive attitude. I tend to get a little over-dramatic when bad things happen. I need to learn to laugh things off that bother me.
("C". This one has been a struggle, but overall I think I do better than I used to on this one.)

3. Buy a new suit and wear it for no good reason. Even if I only wear it to sit at the desk in my home office, it will be more gratifying than only wearing it at weddings and funerals.
("D". I have not yet purchased a suit although I have spotted some awesome deals at the Goodwill store!)

4. Drink full-flavored beer again instead of that watered down stuff with half the calories and taste. Moderation will ensure that my new suit will not have to be altered to fit around a beer-gut.
("A+". Did you know dark beer has antioxidants and is good for your heart?)

5. Be honest and fair while controlling my temper. This relates to my tendency to avoid and suppress my feelings until I inevitably explode in a fit of misdirected rage.
("B-". Serenity now or insanity later. I think I have improved.)

6. Become more spiritual, not necessarily religious. I would like to learn about several different religions and spiritual sects such as Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and Islam. Then I can present them to Alex and let him decide which he prefers.
("B". I read several books about world religions during this past year. On our adoption application I even noted that my "religion" was Buddhism. I plan to learn all I can about Buddhism so that I can teach our Chinese girl about Eastern spirituality.)

7. Take Alex on a weekly adventure. Plan fun stuff that we will both enjoy and then blog about it to share with our fans.
("B". Everyday in our family is an adventure. After I started working and Alex went to Kindergarten, our adventures together became less frequent. I think he lives a very fullfilled life, nevertheless.)

8. Write a novel and have it published. I have a good start on this one already. I have a 30 chapter outline and have completed the first two chapters so far.
("D-". The wheels fell off of this train. The book I started will be re-vamped during my next retirement and eventually published. Sorry to make you wait.)

9. Perform one altruistic act per week and share it with my blogging faithful. Maybe I can inspire other people to do good deeds in the process.
("B-". Although I have not managed to perform one act of altuism per week, I think I have made the world a slightly better place during the past year. Our family sponsors a Brazillian girl through Christian Children's fund. Bethany gives a little money to the United Way each pay period. I help The Humane Society and Columbia 2nd Chance (animal rescue groups) feature their pets at my store each week as well as donate food, toys, and advertising to their causes. Alex is bagging up some of his old toys to donate to needy kids this Christmas, as well.)

10. Save up to buy a hot rod family cruiser. Maybe the royalties from my first book will cover it.
("B". Although I didn't get a family cruiser, I did get a bitchin' four wheel drive truck that is capable of taxiing the family out of our icy/muddy driveway that secludes us from the outside world during bad weather.)

So overall, I think I did okay with my resolutions this year. I could have done better to be sure. How did you do? Post your report card on this blog. Maybe you'll inspire me or someone else for resolution ideas for '07. I will post my 2007 resolutions in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Coming from an educator, I'll take your A+. Thank you, sir. Your kind words will be rewarded with a bonfire soon. I think a cool, early spring evening would be a good time to have one. Maybe we could get the whole blogging circle to come out. We could hold a Troy-Hannibal-Warrensburg summit. God help us all.