Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Shining

One of the best movies of all time is "The Shining." A family of three is snowbound in a remote locale for an inordinate amount of time. The writer/husband/father loses his mind as a result of a severe case of cabin fever. You know the rest of the story.

The Naughton family has been snowbound since Thursday afternoon. We received 16 inches of snow and our cars' bumpers are only 13 inches off the ground. Not a good combination. Apparently the county doesn't consider our mile and a half of hilly, curvy gravel road to be a high priority on their plowing list. The writer/husband/father in our family has been going a little crazy due to the fact that in addition to being isolated from the outside world by the snow, the family computer crashed three days ago- thus severing all remaining ties to civilization. Perhaps sensing impending doom, Bethany ran the computer's recovery program and re-installed all the software during a period of several hours last evening. Crisis averted.

Blog Daddy is back. "Heeeeeeerrrrrre's Johnny!"

(The photo shows our 18" tall pickett fence just peaking out of the snow.)


Seamhead said...
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Seamhead said...

That picture of the fence is awesome!! We only got about 6" of snow.

Shelly says she has a 6-year old in class that is a little disturbed. When he gets upset he starts saying "Heeeere's Johnny!" She wonders how he already has seen this movie and what other information he gleaned from it.

Anonymous said...

18" picket fence? whaddya got a bunch of midgets living there?


TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

For your information, Howdy, we DO have a bunch of midgets living here. We have two pygmy goats, a corgi-mix dog who is approximately 10" tall, a "miniature" St. Bernard who is half the size of normal Saints, a six year old child, and me. And I have put in a request with my freakishly tall wife to let me get a miniature donkey, too. I wonder if she feels like she's in Lilliput sometimes.