Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's like riding a bike...

Alex is seven years old. That's how old I was when the training wheels came off and I learned how to ride a bike. Alex hasn't had much of a chance to practice riding even with training wheels due to the fact that we live on a rough gravel road. So yesterday I took him to the parking lot at his school for some practice- without training wheels.

My first instruction to him was that no matter how frustrated either of us would get there would be no yelling at one another. He agreed. I also added that no matter how many times I repeated an instruction, he should just say "okay" instead of his usual "DAD! I know!" He agreed. Though it may seem counterintuitive, we began our lesson with learning how to stop. Alex practiced applying the brake while I held the bike up for him. Then he practiced catching his balance with his feet off the pedals. Then I pushed the bike around and held on while he tried to keep the bike from leaning too far either direction. So far so good. It was time to let go.

At first, I had Alex push himself around the parking lot with his feet touching the ground. He was quickly able to cruise for a few feet without touching the ground. Then I had him put one foot on a pedal and the other on the ground. He looked like he was using a scooter (which he is pretty good at riding). Well I guess that's when it clicked for him. In no time at all he was able to get some momentum going by pushing off with one foot and the next thing you know- he starting pedalling. After a few shaky starts he was soon able to pedal for 20 or 30 feet without stopping. Within 20 minutes of his first attempt, he was riding circles around the parking lot and was so comfortable he was actually whistling while he rode. It was amazing to watch.

Needless to say, I was quite the proud papa. I was cheering and clapping and smiling so much my cheeks hurt. And Alex was proud, too. At one point, he rode over to where I was sitting and ditched his bike. As he walked toward me I asked, "What's wrong?" He said, "I just wanted to give you this..." and he gave me a great big hug. Then he hopped back on his bike and rode across the parking lot, weaving and whistling all the way. And I sat there on that curb thinking to myself that my little boy wasn't so little any more.


Anonymous said...

They grow up too fast. Aren't we blessed to be able to spend these times with them. I am grateful every single day to have the ability (hard working hubby) to be a stay at home parent. - Dawn

Anonymous said...

Good job Alex and Dad. Nonna is very proud of you both.