Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm Gonna Live!

After two EKGs, an ultrasound, a stress test, and bloodwork, it has been determined by a bona fide cardiologist that my irregular heart beat is nothing to worry about and that I am perfectly healthy.

"Your bloodwork came back absolutely perfect. It is exactly what you want to see in a man your age. I couldn't be more pleased with the results," the good doctor said.

"Great," my wife sighed. "Now I have to hear about how perfect you are for the next year or so."

She's just jealous because I eat like a human garbage disposal, rarely exercise, and manage to keep my cholesterol levels perfect.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful- and healthy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I am glad that you are healthy dear but the competitive streak in me still wants to have better blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. than you. I secretly want you to have bad results. I can't let you win! I think that says something about me but I don't really want to explore that further at this time.

Your sexy wife :)