Sunday, September 10, 2006

Gall Bladder- Schmall Schmladder

Last Thursday, Bethany had her gall bladder removed. She had two stones in it the size of Pluto. Of course Pluto is no longer classified as a planet, but they were still big. The doctor filled her body with carbon dioxide to keep everything in its place after the offending organ was removed. This gas then traveled throughout her body causing her pain that she described as worse than childbirth. I witnessed the birth of our child, and I gotta say, I didn't think anything could be more painful than that appeared to be. But I guess I was wrong. It is now Sunday and Bethany is starting to feel like her old self again. It only really hurts when she laughs, which is a bit of a problem around this house. I am trying not to be funny, but that is easier said than done. I am one funny son of a bitch.

Thanks to everyone who has sent along best wishes and kept Bethany in their thoughts. She gets to stay home for a whole week and should be ready to get back to normal (and back to work) by then.

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