Sunday, August 24, 2008

Someone pissed in my Cheerios

I just realized something. Just now. I am not funny anymore. I looked back at some of my recent blogs and they're not funny. Oh, I could make all sorts of excuses why I haven't been in a comedic mood lately, but that would be pretty lame. Most comedians come up with their best material when they face decidedly un-funny situations. I need to lighten up. When people screw me, I should make jokes instead of whining to you. When the CenturyTel lady told me that they can only transmit a DSL signal 21,000 feet down the phone line (which was 300 feet short of my house), I should have said to her, "Women tell me 'It won't reach' all the time." When the used car salesman pissed me off the other day, I should have told him, "It's okay. But next time I'll drop the ball and you can drop the soap," instead of venting my frustration at my blog readers. When my mom has setbacks with her battle against cancer I should try to find the humor instead of focusing on the negatives. There is humor in tragedy. It may be dark humor, but if it gets you through the day, then so be it. I won't tell any embarrassing stories about Mom right now- her tumors aren't so big that she can't still kick my ass.

The point is, I realize that my blogs and such have had a depressing tone lately (except for the adoption updates- but even those aren't funny). I'll work on that. My fans depend on my loose interpretation of reality to get them through their mundane lives. So from now on, I'll do more to entertain you rather than make you want to jump off a bridge. Here's something to chew on 'till next time: I'm thinking of repainting the Tailgatin' Truck-again...

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