Saturday, November 22, 2008

Social Butterfly

Yesterday was "Meet Truman Day" for a lot of people. First, he went with Bethany to visit her co-workers in Jeff City. Then, he met Grant while we ate brunch at Bob Evans. He was a big hit with the waitresses. Next, he went to the car auction I used to work for and met some of my good friends including Jerry, Lisa, and Kristin. From there we drove to Nonna's house for some quality time with her (and some smooches.) Later, back at our house, our neighbor's and their kids came over to play. Even after all of that socializing, Truman had enough energy left to dance with Mommy and Alex in the front room. It was a hoot.
Today, Truman is learning the importance of saying "please" instead of taking what he wants from someone without asking. Lots of tears. Several tantrums. Quite entertaining. But it has been a good day so far. I woke up early and built a cozy fire in the fireplace. I made coffee and when everyone else woke up I surprised them with pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast. And now, it's time to veg-out on the couch and watch college football all afternoon. Life is good, y'all.

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