Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday In Guangzhou

Today, after breakfast, we went back to our room and just lounged around for a lazy morning. We didn't leave for lunch till about 2:30, when we walked across the street to McDonald's. Eventually, we decided to catch a cab and head back out into the city to do some shopping. We were back at our room by 5:30. And guess what. Truman has finally realized that being in a hotel room with his new ma-ma and ba-ba is not such a bad thing afterall. He has gone to bed without fussing and slept through the night for three straight nights. He even let Mommy brush his teeth yesterday while I held him. He throws temper tantrums, gives kisses, and eats regular food (he is eating a panini from Starbucks as I type this). In less than two weeks, a scared little orphan has transfomed into a typical two year old member of a family who loves him with all their hearts. Just two more days and a wake-up and we'll be headed home. We can't wait for you to meet Truman. If you've enjoyed his pictures, just wait till you see him in person. As Jack Nicholson said as the Joker, "Just wait'll they get a load of me."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we saw the picture of your lovely wife giving Truman a teethbrushing that he thoroughly enjoyed. :)