Friday, December 02, 2005

Like Butter...

I am on a roll. Between this blog and those of Paul, Roger, The Columbia Tribune, and Tony Messenger I have been hammering away at this keyboard at a fever pace. I have been published on the Tribune's blog three times in addition to the countless times on those of my friends. This post is the 96th time I have published to my blog since its inception in April. In that time period I have also written a few verbose e-mails to people that have had a degree of literary value as well. A couple of years ago I actually got paid for writing a few articles for the Jefferson City and Columbia Business Times. Business reporting wasn't my thing, but I did well enough that the editor continued to offer me assignments months after I officially resigned my position. Although being a blogger is not quite the same as being a professional writer, it has helped me find my voice. Maybe it has allowed me to find my calling. Could I make a living as a writer? Sure The Business Times paid me $50 to write an assigned story or two, but would people be willing to pay to read what I want to write? Dave Barry, Irma Bombeck, and Mary Roach have been pretty successful doing their own thing. So what about me? I think I will start exploring my options in the New Year. I might make it one of my Resolutions to earn an income as a writer. As always I seek input from my supporters. If you have ideas, suggestions, advice, or professional contacts, please pass them along. Right now I have a book idea that I am exploring if anyone knows a publisher who appreciates a warped mind like mine...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have no contacts, advice, or suggestions, but I have always thought you could have a career as a writer. Go for it!