Monday, March 13, 2006

Blogging for You, America

Apple pie. Mom. Chevrolet. Coca-Cola. The Travis Naughton Experience. These are the icons of Americana. There are certain symbols in our country that evoke feelings of familiarity, security, and dependibility. This blog is no exception. Educators, interior design consultants, medical professionals, employees of non-profit organizations, comedians, quality assurance specialists, and unemployed philosophers have come to depend on The Travis Naughton Experience for their daily "taste of unreality". Finding its place in the world of "Newsiness" somewhere between the NBC Nightly News and Comedy Central's the Daily Show, more Americans get their "Newsertainment" from blogs like mine than from any other source. It was reported recently that 98% of internet users who know someone who has his/her own blog and who read the blog daily live up to 20 years longer than people who either don't read a blog regularly or who chain smoke while drinking grain alcohol with every meal. According to a recent university study, blogs are replacing newspaper subscriptions and cable news networks as Americans' primary source for news. In fact, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, Ted Koppel, Tom Brokaw, and Katie Couric have all admitted retiring from news reporting in order to devote more time to reading blogs (specifically mine). Wolf Blitzer of CNN said, "Bloggers like Travis Naughton are changing the way news is reported and may in fact redefine what news is."

There you have it folks. You can count on me to bring you fair and balanced reporting that isn't restricted by the confines of truth or facts. My reality is what I make it, and I invite you to join in the fantasy world from which I will be newsishly reporting. Don't forget to forward the link to this blog to everyone you know. America needs an alternate reality right about now.


Seamhead said...

Wolf Blitzer plugged your blog?? That's it. I'm done reading this thing. Next thing you know you'll be getting the John Stossel seal of approval.

Anonymous said...

"Seal of Approval"

Anonymous said...

"More factual than any of my reporting. The best blog I've ever read!"