Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Spring is in the Air

Today, Alex and I went hiking in our woods with four cats, two dogs, and two goats. You can't pay for better entertainment on a warm, pre-Spring day. After naptime, we plan on going fishing at the neighbor's pond. Yesterday we went to Little Dixie Lake and tried to fish, but didn't catch anything. Later we enjoyed our first barbeque of the year. Fishing, hiking, BBQing, naps...Life is rough.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya little family packed up and went to the Omaha Zoo to celebrate the beautiful weather. The husband may be laid off but you can't beat the ability to just pick up and spend the entire day outside with the family.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

What a differnece a day makes. Today, Alex and I went to the park but the wind chill almost killed us. We only stayed for about 10 minutes before packing it in. Spring is NOT here just yet.