Friday, March 03, 2006

The Following is a Test of the Emergency Blogging System

I appreciate each and every one of my devoted followers who take the time out of their busy days to check my blog. The blog is my way of keeping the people I care about up to speed on the goings on of my daily life. I don't like making phone calls to chat about stuff. Instead, I enjoy broadcasting the accounts of my life over the internet, for all of my friends and family to read and enjoy. I have come to a sad realization that the friends I have held most dear to me over the years for one reason or another refuse to read my blog. I don't know why this is, but I know it to be true.

I write about most of the important things and a lot of the ridiculous things that happen to me. Anyone who reads this blog knows pretty much everything going on in my life. When I happen to see or hear from certain individuals, it becomes obvious that despite my frequent reminders, they do not read my blog. Ever. Why not? Is it not THE most entertaining site on the internet? Is it not a unique if not frightening glimpse into the mind of a madman? Does it not make the reader want to laugh, cry, vomit, etc? Does it not illicit some insightful discussions about the world in which we live? Do my closest friends take so little interest in my life that a two-minute perusal of my blog would take up too much of their valuable time?

You guys know who you are. But that won't stop me from naming names. Hell it won't even stop me from posting your email addresses right here for all of my readers to see. Devotees of my blog should feel free to copy and paste these addresses and send emails to my friends encouraging them to take a more active interest in their friend's creative endeavors. If you are a fan of the Travis Naughton Experience, please write to my friends and get them to jump on board the bandwagon. This test will determine how devoted my fans are and how effective their powers of persuasion can be. It will also serve as a test to determine just how interested in my life my friends are. If I hear back from them, then we will all witness and share and rejoice in the power and the glory of the internet! (And hopefully my buddies will start reading my blog.)

Grant Barnes:
Bill Herrin:
Troy Lepper:
Rob Scott:
Ed Mullen:

P.S. Anyone can post comments on my blog by clicking on the "Comments, Questions, Expressions of Outrage" link at the bottom of each post. It is free and easy to use and is a great way to have a conversation between friends.


Anonymous said...

your mother-in-law, your mommy,and your brother read daily - who else do you realllllly need? We wuv you and we appreciate the info, even when it's too much info- too funny, too sad, too maddening or too over the top, we still read. Keep up the good work and to hell with the non-minions who don't appreciate your life story unfolding before them on a nearly daily basis.

ATTICA said...

Hey I read it, just rarely post comments.

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

Ed- sorry for your loss.

Mama- thanks for your support.

Bill- who loves you more than me baby?! Its good to here from you once in a while.

Anonymous said...

I have an excuse for not keeping up to date on your blog -
You must come to the realization that your life is too fast moving for us members of the SDCC (Society for the Denting of Couch Cushions). But you may be interested in knowing that just the other day I thought about reading one of your postings, instead I rolled over onto my side.
I will make every "effort" to read your blog on a more consistent basis, please bear with me till I reestablish the fluff in my pillow (hey, first things first).

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should just copy and paste your daily bloggings into an email and send it too them??
OR what a great "pop quiz" would this make, you could bring back the old spam prize.