Friday, June 23, 2006

All Work and No Play...

...makes Blog Daddy a dull boy. Today, on my day off, I found myself reverting to old habits. Instead of taking advantage of my time off from work by doing something fun, I spent several hours doing housework. I re-arranged the living room and the guest bedrooms. I vacuumed the whole house. I made all four beds. I chopped some veggies and threw them in the crockpot with a roast for dinner. I did the dishes. I folded laundry. What the hell is the matter with me!? Then I sat down to catch up on my blogging and the only things I could think of to write about were work at the D.E. (Doggie Empawrium) and housework. Whatever happened to the wild and crazy, unemployed guy whose sole purpose in life was having the most fun possible everyday? Remember the good old days when you could live vicariously through my "retirement"? Is this what having a job does to people? Work, sleep, work, sleep, housework, sleep, work, sleep... When does this vicious cycle end? Its a good thing I enjoy my job or I'd really be in trouble. Bear with me, my people. Your favorite blogger will get it figured out soon and begin providing you with quality blogging again.

In the meantime I think I'll take a nap- for old time's sake.

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