Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tailgate Update

I called the owner of the 1966 Chevy that I hoped would be the new tailgate truck and he said that he bought it from a friend a year ago to help his buddy raise some funds for an extended trip to Florida to take care of his sick mother. The buddy made him promise to never sell it since it had been in his family since it was new. Now the guy is moving back to Missouri (his mother died) and he wants his old truck back. Have you ever heard a more pathetic story? Doesn't he realize that we needed that truck?! He couldn't love it as much as we would have. It will probably rot in his yard, never knowing the joy of providing a party spot for dozens of college football fans.

So now I must look elsewhere for the next party wagon. The stock options deal still stands- should I ever find a suitable truck. I just can't tailgate out of the back of a minivan. It wouldn't be right. I think its against the law. At least it should be.

Help me find a truck. Keep your eyes, minds, and wallets open. It takes more than a fleeting glimpse to see the beauty within something over thirty years old. (I'm referring to trucks, not myself.)

The picture is another '66 Chevy after a little sprucing up. That's the beauty that I saw in the rust bucket.

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