Sunday, November 27, 2005

Let the Insanity Begin!

Ah, the Holidays... Its time to get a little crazy! One would think that this time of year is a chance to relax, take vacations, and enjoy some of that "Peace on Earth" stuff people are always singing about. WRONG!!! Riots at Walmart, holiday travel nightmares, hiding from that crazy relative at the family get-together... "Its the most wonderful time- of the year!" Its a good thing I stocked up on rest and relaxation this summer. I don't think they are selling that at Walmart. We had 17 people at our house for Thanksgiving (and were Thankful for them). Add 5 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 goats to that and you get the picture. Then we traveled to another family Thanksgiving today that included 14 more people, 2 more dogs, and a parakeet. I'm not complaining, it is good to spend time with the family. I'm just saying its a busy time of year. I keep telling myself, "Serenity now, Insanity later."

In other news, I got my first ever library card this week. It took 34 years, but I did it. The first book I checked out? Star Wars labyrinth of Evil. I may be a geek, but at least I can read a 340 page book. Also this week I managed to work at an actual job for three days. It was tough, but I had beer waiting for me when I got home, so I got through it. Also, I have to submit to more testing by the "Why can't you make a baby?" folks at Capital Region Hospital in the coming weeks. Then it will be time to see Dr. Pineapple Fingers again for a follow-up and HANDS-OFF visit to discuss "options". By then we will all be immersed in Christmas preparations, parties, shopping, and more family get-togethers. After that, Bethany and I will be driving to Branson to join Grant and Brenda for a stay at the Big Cedar Lodge for a couple of days of actual relaxation for New Year's. I am already working on my resolutions...

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