Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mr. Naughton Goes to Work

Its been so long since I last put in a day of working for "the Man" that I can't remember when I retired from the workforce. I think it was back in the spring because I remember declaring that this past summer was to be "The Summer of Travis!". At any rate, just for kicks I thought it would be fun to work a few days at the old Doggie Empawrium to cover for the girls who are going home for Thanksgiving break. That's right, I have been unemployed for so long that I will be working three days this week just for fun. Oh sure the money's nice (I'll make roughly as much in three days as Bethany would in one), but that's not why I am doing it. No, I am working so that I can get out of the house and spend some time with adults for a change. Only then will I be ready to go back into retirement with a renewed vigor. Its not easy being me. Staying up till 1:00am playing on the computer, sleeping in till 9:00am...its tough! Rolling out of bed at about 9:30 or so, drinking coffee while listening to tunes and watching the birds, playing with Alex, goin' fishin', eating lunch, taking naps, playing video games, eating dinner, staying up till one in the morning...its a rigorous schedule. You can see why I need to recharge my batteries once in a while. To continue enjoying my fast-paced lifestyle I need to periodically take a step back and get some perspective. The task of working in the "real world" for a few days should do the trick. In case you need to buy dog treats, I will be working Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. Come in and say "Hi". And wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, yes, good luck with that. I know the high-stress world of high-end retail dog pampering can get one down. What, between the chatting with long-time customers and petting cute puppies, how will you be able to handle the workload? And to think you've got three out of four days of this grueling schedule... I only hope you make it.