Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If You Only Knew the Power of the Blog Side...

I would like to thank my legions of devoted followers who take the calculated risk of reading my blog on a daily basis. I feel all warm and fuzzy knowing that you satisfy your morbid curiosity by peeking into the dark and frightening recesses of my mind. But its not enough! I need you to spread my manic rantings to the far reaches of the universe. Click on the little envelope icon at the bottom of each post to e-mail the link to your friends. You can even send it to your own e-mail account and then forward it to everyone in your address book. Send it to your friends. Send it to your enemies. "Join me Luke, and together we shall rule the Galaxy! It is your destiny..."


Anonymous said...

We can only promote your Empire if you give us a dubious purpose for doing so. Since I'm actually teaching marketing classes, I feel compelled to insist you come up with a marketing plan (something beyond shouting "I'm here...I'm here"). Who's your target audience? What do they have to gain from their daily reading? What's my pitch if I forward this drivel?

TheNotQuiteRightReverend said...

My target audience is the entirety of humanity. What they have to gain is enlightenment, entertainment, and pure intellectual and comical satisfaction. Your "pitch" is to ask people if there is something missing from their lives. Tell them that by reading my blog they will fill the void left in their souls by working 50 hours a week for "the man." Tell them I will stick it to the man for them, so that they can continue to collect their paychecks. All they have to do in exchange for this service is spread the word about my blog (and give me their souls for all eternity).

Anonymous said...

you two have waaaaaay too much time on your hands.......